Imagine if you will, that in some ethereal plane,
you meet the 4 year old version of yourself – baby you.
What would you tell baby you?
What would you give her?
What would you provide that innocent baby you, so that she would be happy?
Think back to when you were three or four, to your earliest memories, when you were vulnerable, and just learning about the world, without any preformed concepts.
What made you happy?
What did you need to feel safe? To feel loved?
Was it toys and candy?
Maybe superficially, but you know that is not what really made you happy. What baby you really wants is more basic than that.
She wants love, to know she is loved and cared for.
She wants freedom, freedom to be creative and to be spontaneous, to express without judgment or limitation.
That baby you is still in you, and still has the same basic needs,
as much as we might like to think we’ve grown out of it – too mature for love and freedom, too preoccupied with the adult toys and candy, like cars and houses.
Remember to love the baby you.
Each day hug her, care for her.
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